Roberto Casarotto inspiration.

Roberto is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. He connects humans from all walks of life and from all over the world, so that they may unfold and develop their creative potential. He was trained as a dancer and worked as a dancer and dance director. Read more…

Migrant Bodies – Moving Borders

Migrant Bodies develops a shared international research, focusing on identifying, developing and testing new and relevant actions for the recognition and inclusion of refugees and migrants through dance and movement based initiatives. It is wonderful to be part of this inspiring project. We see how building communities for refugees with Read more…

A great dancer and a real trooper!

A great dancer, an engaged teacher, a dedicated mentor and an adventurous Grandad! Harmen Tromp has been applauded for his performances from Sydney to New York but has always recognised those less fortunate than himself. He has invested his knowledge and encouraged with enthusiasm and humility those in his care with Read more…