e-NABLE / Enabling the Future

In 2011 when Ivan Owen received support from an on line community to collaborate with people who needed prosthetics, shared his designs using open source licences, and Applied the feedback to 8nnovate and gift a better design for the need knower to test. The community suggested redesign using 3 d Read more…

Sol’ya. Les trésors du Mexique

Leurs projets s’articulent principalement autour de la production de la vanille du Mexique. Afin de préserver et valoriser le savoir-faire ancestral et artisanal de cette agriculture, SOLYA travaille en étroite collaboration avec une équipe de partenaires directement sur place. Leur équipe sur place travaille directement avec les producteurs (pour la plupart des communautés indigènes) afin Read more…

Talent Cloud: a gig marketplace for Canada’s Public Service; redesigning credential recognition for the digital age

I’d like to recognize Talent Cloud, a gig marketplace for Canada’s Public Service; redesigning credential recognition for the digital age – a potential global first for the Public Sector. The GC Talent Cloud aims to create a thriving marketplace where today’s talent can find exciting, high-quality job opportunities that fit Read more…

Making living arts open to all

La Galerie Capazza est un lieu d’exception à Nancy mais c’est aussi et surtout une “équipe” d’exception, avec Laura et Denis, Sophie et Gérard Capazza. Ensemble ils rendent l’art moderne vivant et accessible à tous, dans tous les sens du terme. Sans jugement, sans a priori, ils vivent pour les Read more…

FAV: Making innovation by investing in ideas

Fondazione Aldini Valeriani – FAV is the management school of Industrial Management Confindustria Emilia Area Centro. FAV’s goal is to ensure greater competitiveness for local companies and to develop people skills, encouraging synergies between technical and managerial cultures. FAV issues Open Badge on Bestr for a number of its courses Read more…

SUNY Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC)

Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC) is an open-access learning opportunity provided by the State University of New York (SUNY) to identify the value and implications of using established and emerging technology tools for personal and professional growth. Participants gain lifelong learning strategies to keep pace with Read more…

OVS: the retailer who invests in training

OVS S.p.A., the leading brand in Italy for clothing, is not only the largest employer, but also the largest trainer of professionals in the clothing sector, thanks to the OVS Store Management School and the development programmes for new graduates over the whole of Italy. The training pathway perfected by Read more…

Ca’ Foscari Competency Centre: the development of peoples’ transversal skills

The University of Venice Ca’ Foscari  recently set up Ca’ Foscari Competency Center with the mission to improve people’s performance through the development of their Soft Skills. To further highlight learners’ competencies concerning soft skills, such as motional and Social Competencies, Personal Development and Self Awareness, is experimenting with Open Badge through Read more…

Birth of a regional network on Recognition and Open Bagdes

The project called B.O.A.T gathers several education institutions that want to share and collaborate to develop tools for the recognition of people, projects, skills, places and activities based on “recognition, trust, boldness and benevolence”. Based locally, the network called “Badges Ouvertes à tous – Reconnaître en Nouvelle Aquitaine” gathers actors Read more…

Petit déjeuner Entreprises le 23 octobre 2018 à Tours : Badgeons la métropole Tourangelle

Reconnaître et valoriser les compétences invisibles : Connaissez-vous le concept « OPEN BADGE » ? Les badges numériques ouverts sont des accréditations numériques, créées et émises par des organisations telles que les entreprises et les employeurs, les organisations professionnelles, les écoles, pour leurs étudiants, membres, personnels, clients ou partenaires.   Vous Read more…

Universities as role model for sustainable development – Involving students in realising this goal at Netzwerk N

Netzwerk N is a collaborative network, which encourages and supports discussion groups, workshops and initiatives for change within German higher education institutions. Netzwerk N also supports the idea that the issue of sustainability of our world should be a key part of higher education for all. Through its platform “plattform Read more…

Bootcamp Dare and Do for status holders

The volunteers and professional practitioners of the Dutch Council for Refugees accompany refugees in Breda.  They accompany them in their asylum procedure, housing, integration, language and work. In addition, they provide information and guest lectures about refugees. They started a new project for the status holders in March 2018 which Read more…