Petit déjeuner Entreprises le 23 octobre 2018 à Tours : Badgeons la métropole Tourangelle

Reconnaître et valoriser les compétences invisibles : Connaissez-vous le concept « OPEN BADGE » ? Les badges numériques ouverts sont des accréditations numériques, créées et émises par des organisations telles que les entreprises et les employeurs, les organisations professionnelles, les écoles, pour leurs étudiants, membres, personnels, clients ou partenaires.   Vous Read more…

Universities as role model for sustainable development – Involving students in realising this goal at Netzwerk N

Netzwerk N is a collaborative network, which encourages and supports discussion groups, workshops and initiatives for change within German higher education institutions. Netzwerk N also supports the idea that the issue of sustainability of our world should be a key part of higher education for all. Through its platform “plattform Read more…

Bootcamp Dare and Do for status holders

The volunteers and professional practitioners of the Dutch Council for Refugees accompany refugees in Breda.  They accompany them in their asylum procedure, housing, integration, language and work. In addition, they provide information and guest lectures about refugees. They started a new project for the status holders in March 2018 which Read more…